OEHS India

The Trio of Personal Wellbeing

We are in a race to enjoy life for the shortest possible time. There is a consistent sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) amongst everyone who wants and is extracting the maximum out of life, like in the popular Hindi movie “Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara.” However, in our relentless quest for maximum enjoyment, we often neglect the critical understanding that true well-being requires a balance of essential resources.

When we speak of well-being, it encompasses more than just a healthy and fit body, freedom from disease, mental agility, and happiness—it also includes financial prosperity. Throughout history, the adage “Health is wealth” has rung true. Take, for instance, the case of the famous wealthy man often called India’s Big Bull, who recently died of long-term ailments. He amassed immense wealth for himself and for his family too, but lamented at the end that he did not invest in his health in the same way as he invested in his wealth.

Consider the scenario of a wealthy business tycoon who, despite having the means to indulge in any desire, is hindered by a chronic illness such as diabetes mellitus. Wealth alone cannot guarantee the ability to enjoy life’s pleasures if health is compromised.

On the other hand, take the case of a young man who is fit and has all the time in the world to himself but lacks employment as a source of income. Here, the absence of money poses an obstacle for him to attain a state of well-being due to his inability to buy and eat proper food and healthcare for himself and his family. Therefore, to enjoy wealth, health is essential, and to enjoy health, a certain level of wealth is also necessary.

So far, we have seen the interrelationship between health and wealth. Take another case: an upwardly mobile corporate executive who has ample wealth and is free from illnesses too, but due to a lack of time available for himself and his family, he is unable to take a regular and healthy diet, exercise, and release from workplace tensions. In this case, to enjoy his wealth and health too, the availability of adequate time is essential.

Thus, to be able to enjoy the fruits of life and attain a state of personal well-being, three resources are essential: time, money, and health (consisting of physical, mental, and spiritual energy) in proper proportion.

Drawing inspiration from the timeless book “The Richest Man in Babylon” by George S. Clason, certain principles of money management have stood the test of time.

“Richest Man in Babylon,” written by George S. Clason in the early 1900s, mentions

“Money is the medium by which earthly success is measured.”

“Money makes possible the enjoyment of the best the earth affords.”

“Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple laws that govern its acquisition.”

Money is governed today by the same laws that controlled it when prosperous men thronged the streets of Babylon six thousand years ago.

As the ABBA band aptly put it in the ’80s, “Money, money, money; it’s so funny; it’s a rich man’s world.” In today’s materialistic landscape, money undeniably plays a pivotal role. In the upcoming blog, we will delve deeper into the principles of money management and their significance in the pursuit of personal well-being.

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